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who i am?

Hi! my name is Karim MAZ based in France, I graduated from Hauts-de-France Polytechnic University France in 2011, I am a Senior software engineer, I, am very passionate and dedicated to my work. I have worked with many large companies based in France. Currently I work as a Senior Back end developer at Decathlon.

name Karim MAZ
nationality French
Phone +33623722766


Master of sciences, technologies, health. Mention science for engineers. Option new technologies of Information Systems - TNSI

Hauts-de-France Polytechnic University France
2008 - 2011

Information system Software engineer

National School of Computer Science (ESI) Algeria
2002 - 2008


Senior Java developer (Buyback, Retail, Logistic)

october 2021 - december 2022

Full stack developer (Test and Buy, Transaction, Payment, Stock)

may 2018 - december 2022

Full stack developer & Mobile Tech lead

march 2017 - may 2018

Full stack developer & Mobile Tech lead

april 2016 - march 2017

IT Project Manager & Full Stack Developer (Apple, CACF, Crédit Agricole, Sofinco, Fnac, Oney, BforBank, Darty, Orchestra, Mairie de Roubaix,...)

Services Nomades
september 2011 - april 2016

I have high skills in developing and programming

- Solid knowledge of backend development in Java.
- Strong skills in Core Java, server-side Java technologies, and Spring frameworks.
- Solid knowledge of event processing models, multi-threading, enterprise integration pattern, Web Service and REST.
- Experienced working with modern infrastructure and tools.
- Engineering practices like continuous delivery and automated testing.
- Good understanding of data structures and algorithms, and understand how to apply them to design pragmatic solutions.
- Ability to supervise and mentor junior developers on the team.

my skills

Back-End Java (JEE, SpringBoot, Maven), NodeJS, ExpressJS, Python (Django), PHP
Front-End Html, Javascript, CSS, SCSS, ReactJS, AngularJS
Mobile iOS (Objective-C & Swift), Android (Java & Kotlin), Cross platform (Xamarin, IONIC, Sencha Touch)
Database PostgreSQL, MYSQL, Firebse, MongoDB
Continous Integration & Delivery Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services, Git, Github & Github Actions, Docker, Kubernetes, Nexus, Jenkins, SonarQube
Project Management Jira Software, Trello
Quality & Testing Sonar, Postman, Newman, Karate, Gherkin, Cucumber